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A member registered Jul 07, 2018

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ahhhhh my heart is filled with emotions haha i started to cry at the begining of the game it was so. These games always make my day!! and the art oh my it is amazing! Thank you for making these games!!!

Ahhhhh nuuuuu the ending is so gahhhh

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! yassssssssss

omg!!!!! i loved this game so much and it made me cry at the end once i got to the true ending i refused to play it again and i still do like wow its so emotional. thank you for making this game its greatly appreciated!

Thats a good question they were all good in there own way but the true ending was me and my little brothers favorite!!

skhhskhskhdfks oml when i saw treat i almost died of happiness.I love this all of your games so much

when do you think you will be done with the next game!! I'm so excited I don't know if i'll be able to wait any longer!  (:

that is amazing i love all  of your games and i cant wait until the 5th one comes out 

i love this game so  much i played through all the endings and i loved it so much 

i have payed this series (or what you have so far)twice now one by myself and one with my brother watching me and i found more things that i didn't notice the first time and i just have to say that i love these games and cant wait for the 5th one to come out and thank you for putting so much time and effort into these games i really appreciate it. And omg Moxies mom i feel bad for what happend to her business